
Saves ()
  • Result
  • Result

Employer Annual HSA Contributions


Individual Annual HSA Contributions


Total HSA contributions exceed 2024 limit. Adjust to $X,XXX or less.

Total Yearly Cost Estimate

Premium Costs



EditMedical ExpensesExpand

Routine Preventative Care



Specialist Office Visit






Lab & Radiology



Inpatient visits



Outpatient visits



Emergency Room Care



Generic Rx



Brand Rx



Other medical expenses



HSA Contributions from Employer

Tax Savings

Unused HSA Funds (rolled over to next year)

Cheaper Plan

Cheaper plan checked icon

Cheaper plan checked icon

Cost Difference Between Plans ($ / %)

*A negative number indicates a net benefit to you. Your Employer HSA contributions + your tax savings is greater than your annual premium and out-of-pocket medical expenses.

This health insurance plan comparison calculator is designed to be informational and educational only. It does not constitute medical, financial, or tax advice. We cannot and do not guarantee the applicability of accuracy of the calculator in regard to your individual or family circumstances. Your out-of-pocket healthcare costs may vary based on the expenses you incur and your coverage details. HSAs are not subject to federal income tax when used for qualified medical expenses. Most states provide for these tax savings as well, but not all. Be sure to check with your tax professional to determine what your tax impact may be at the state level.

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