Health and Wellness Account Resources

Guides, articles, how-to’s, and more covering HSAs, FSAs, HRAs, Lifestyle Spending and Medical Travel Accounts, and general financial health and wellness.


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Open Enrollment Guide

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Guide to Health Savings Accounts

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What is an HDHP?



Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

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LSA Guide

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Top HSA Questions

Industry Reports

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2024 Employee Benefit Pulse Check

Lively's third annual look at the priorities and challenges faced by benefits leaders and guidance for benefits selection in 2025.

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Lively's 2024 Employee Benefits Market Check

What really matters when choosing employee benefits according to HR leaders and benefits decision makers.

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Lively's 2024 HSA Snapshot

Lively’s annual look at HSA saving, spending, and investing and what it means for brokers, consultants, and benefits leaders.


2024 Employee Benefits Trends Report

The three top trends People teams, benefits brokers, and consultants need to know now to serve their employees and clients better.

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HSAs and the Modern Benefits Package

HR leaders offer insight on how an HSA is an essential part of a comprehensive, flexible benefits package that attracts and retains employees.

Insights and Tools

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Open Enrollment Survival Guide

Simplify all phases of open enrollment with downloadable checklists, frequently asked questions, and step-by-step guidance for HR administrators.


8 Quick Ways to Measure HSA Success

Ask the right questions when evaluating your client’s HSA program or your current HSA provider.


6 Things to Look for in an HSA Provider

Quickly identify the top qualities to look for in an HSA provider to help your clients save time, save money, and maximize employee happiness.


5 Ways to Communicate the Value of an HDHP and HSA

Increase the rate of your employees' HSA adoption and drive cost savings for your business.


The Ultimate Employer Start Guide for Health and Wellness Accounts

How to offer HSAs, FSAs, HRAs, MTAs, LSAs and COBRA and how they work together to strengthen your benefits package.


The Essential Glossary of Health Insurance and HSA Terms

Help employees and clients understand common HSA and health insurance terms during open enrollment and all year long.

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Telehealth: A Critical Component of Your Benefits Offering

Help clients and employees utilize the benefits of telehealth and navigate changes to traditional care delivery.



HSA Savings Calculator

See how much you can save with your HSA.

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FSA Savings Calculator

See how much you can save with a Flexible Spending Account.


Payroll Tax Savings Calculator

See how much you can save on FICA taxes when you offer and contribute to your employees' HSA.


HSA Contribution Limit Calculator

See how much you can contribute into your HSA.


Guided HSA contribution calculator

Find your optimal contribution to your Health Savings Accounts


Health Plan Cost Calculator

Compare two health plans and project your estimated cost.

Customer Stories

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Precision Media

How Lively provided a retention and attraction advantage in the job market and helped an employer highly sensitive to costs.

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Francis Howell School District

Discover the ease of onboarding and administration and quality of customer service for 2,000+ administrators and employees.

BMO case study

BMO Bank

How BMO offers a competitive, mission-aligned HSA that drives cross-sell and increases deposits by partnering with Lively.

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ZGA Architects

Demonstrates how the Lively experience was a “breath of fresh air” in comparison to the bad service, clunky technology, and high fees of ZGA’s previous provider.

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Learn how Lively solves for administrative complexities and limited support for employees with a simple, easy-to-use solution.

Featured Articles

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2024 and 2025 HSA Maximum Contribution Limits

Lively · May 9, 2024 · 3 min read

On May 9, 2024 the Internal Revenue Service announced the HSA contribution limits for 2025. For 2025 HSA-eligible account holders are allowed to contribute: $4,300 for individual coverage and $8,500 for family coverage. If you are 55 years or older, you’re still eligible to contribute an extra $1,000 catch-up contribution.

benefits of a lifestyle spending account


Should Employers Consider Adding Lifestyle Spending Accounts as an Employee Benefit?

Lauren Hargrave · June 6, 2023 · 10 min read

The benefits to offering employees an LSA are wide ranging and will vary depending on the demographic makeup of your workforce. These accounts help to support remote workers, employees from different socioeconomic backgrounds, and employees at different life stages, such as starting their career or starting a family.



FSA Rollovers vs. Grace Periods

Ben Luthi · November 9, 2023 · 7 min read

Employers that offer Flexible Spending Accounts can choose to provide an FSA rollover or grace period at the end of each plan year, but not both. If you’re nearing the end of the year and have some money remaining in your FSA, it’s important to understand what will happen to it if you don’t use it all.


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What is a Health Savings Account (HSA)?

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Pairing an HSA with your HDHP

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Why choose a Lively HSA?

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How to choose a healthcare plan

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What is a High Deductible Health Plan?


The Value of a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)